i tried the push_handlers with PerlFixupHandler,
as before this gets called also , 
i get an entry in my error_log (because i use $r->warn to log)
and again no cookie is being sent ...

For the record : i am using apache 1.3.20 and modperl 1.25

Do i have to do a redirect or something similar so that the browser
sets the cookie ?
Or do i have problems with the basic configuration of apache ?

Nenad Steric wrote:
> I was wrong, there is no cookie being set at all.
> So, what happens is that the handler gets called
> i get an entry in the error_log like
> "setting cookie Ticket=ID&1; ... expires=Sun, 15-Jul-2001 ..."
> and No Cookie being sent to the browser.
> Is it possible to send cookies from the Accesshandler ? or am i wasting my time ?
> Should i use push_handlers and use another phase of the request ?

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