From: "Purcell, Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 9:45 AM

> Hello,
> I wrote a little bit ago about trying to not fork my Apache server. I want
> to run only a single child. Anyway, I got three terrific responses, but have
> no clue what they mean.
> I am on Apache NT4.0 and  am learning. Anyway, some of the responses I got
> for setting a single process were:
> type:
> /path/to/apache/dir/httpd -X

That is it.  But httpd is Apache.exe on Win32.  So... Apache -x

> I have been through my install trying to execute a httpd at the command
> line, but I am making no connection.

You first need to stop apache  (apache -k stop -n Apache)
> Could someone please explain a litle more in detail what I should do on a NT
> system and what the httpd is (exe?);

It's named Apache.exe.  You should have mentioned Windows in you original post
so folks wouldn't mislead you (they certainly didn't mean to.)

Apache on unix uses the httpd executable, and forks many processes (one per
connection to serve.)

Apache on Win32 uses the threaded Apache.exe, twice.  The parent is only out
there to replace a dead child process.  Be warned, the -X is a crippled, debugging
version, and simple things like Ctrl+C to stop the server, and running as a service,
simply don't work.


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