Sorry, I pressed the send button before I finished in the last message.

Recently I posted a possible solution if apache fails to start as a service
on NT.
But there seems to be further problems: some users reported apache won't
start if they install apache and perl into d: with the following error in
the event-log:
>>> Cannot load /apache/modules/ into server: (126) The specified
module could not be found: <<<

I tried out exactly the same with the binary distribution from on a new
installed NT 4.0 SP5:

I installed
apache to d:\apache
perl to d:\perl
openssl to d:\openssl

IMO the most important part:
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Environment -> System
Variables!!! (not User Variables) -> Path -> in the Value field add:
";d:\Perl\bin;C:\openssl\bin" -> press the button "Set" -> OK.


Open a command prompt and enter the following:
cd d:\apache
(apache -u if apache is already installed as a service)
apache -i

then try "net start apache"

In my case it was working properly without any changes in httpd.conf or any
other changes to the system. The steps described above were enough.

Feel free to contact me if you have still the same problem after you applied
this installation.


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