On Mon, 25 Jun 2001, ychen56 wrote:

> Hi:
> >From your website http://perl.apache.org/distributions.html, I got
> message( see following)
> Win32 ActivePerl mod_perl ppms - suitable for builds 6xx. You can install
> this by, within the ppm shell, setting the repository to
> http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/cgi-bin/ppmserver?urn:/PPMServer and typing
> install mod_perl. This will also run a post-install script to install the
> required mod_perl.so to your Apache modules/ directory.
> I followed the instruction, but ppm can not find mod_perl, in fact I opened
> this link, nothing there. I really need to install mod_perl in my computer
> to do some projects, my operation system is win98, I appreciate to get your
> quick respond.
> Thanks
> Ye

The above link only gives something sensible when called by
the ppm utility. Did you try this as

  DOS> ppm
  ppm> set repository whatever
  ppm> search mod_perl
  ppm> install mod_perl
  ppm> quit

(the "set repository ..." should appear on one line). If this
doesn't work, try installing directly as (again as one line)

  DOS> ppm install

If neither of these work, do you have problems installing
modules from ActiveState's repository? eg, does

  DOS> ppm install GD

install GD.pm OK?

best regards,
randy kobes

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