At 12:48 AM 06/26/2001 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>At 15:50 25.06.2001 -0700, you wrote:
>There has been a change in 1.25 concerning reading of STDIN (this is what
>POST does). Dough MacEachern mentioned this some days ago.
>IIRC $r->read() now returns nothing instaed of hanging if STDIN has
>been read. I would conjecture that somehow your reads STDIN twice,
>overwriting the first read with said nothing.

Okay, after testing, I have narrowed the problem to existing ONLY when I 
add our PHP 4.0.5 module into the server configuration.

Basically, I created a simply CGI script to echo to the browser EVERYTHING 
the script received on STDIN from a POST. Once created, I deployed this on 
our new Apache server and an older Apache server which is still working. 
The new server never passes the POST to the script, while the old server 
does! However, once I removed the PHP module everything started working 

Does anyone know what mailing list I need to move this question to? Sorry 
for posting to the wrong group ...

> >># This file is intended to be INCLUDED from an SHTML file,
> >>#   NOT directly executed!
>Did this ever work with POST? You can not POST to an SSI.

The comment was from the original script written about 3 years ago. I had 
forgotten to remove it and that original script has been used several times 
to 'seed' other scripts. It should have been deleted before I posted.

Actually, this has worked with POST for over a year. It's a CGI script used 
extensively by our librarians.


* Anthony Brock                                         [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Director of Network Services                         George Fox University *

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