
This email is to remind you that you should use English when you
communicate over this list, triggered by the last day's posts in French
and German.

If English is not your native language please try to do your best to
express yourself in English. While you should spend some time to spell
check your message and check that it's understandable by others, it is OK
to make mistakes. Do not be afraid to post in this case and learn English
as you go. But do make an effort to make it easier for us to understand
your question and be able to answer it.

If you really cannot express yourself in English, you should ask somebody
who speaks your language to help you.

But it'd be really a mess if the list starts talking in different
languages, where most of subscribers won't understand what's going on.

Please understand that I'm not trying to prevent people from seeking help
in this forum. I'm just looking for a way to have everybody understand
the language of the posts.

Just like Perl has Perl Mongers groups all around the world, you may want
to start your local mod_perl group, where you can communicate in your
native language. Do we have here someone like brian d foy to do the same
for mod_perl as brian did for the Perl community? You should also try
contacting your local Perl mongers group, there are good chances that
someone knows mod_perl there.

Another idea would be to have people talking different languages to
volunteer as a proxy for those who cannot express themselves in English.
So we will have an emails of those volunteer and the languages they cannot
be contacted by on the site, and these nice fellas will translate the
question, post to the list and optionally propogate the answer back to the
fellow in trouble in her native language.

I wish we had a working model of the babel fish. (I'm talking about the
original one and not of a poor implementations of it that available now).

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker       mod_perl Guide

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