On Tuesday 03 July 2001 22:18, darren chamberlain wrote:
> Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 
> > Pretty cool ! You should definitely put it on CPAN. Apache::RegexedParam
> > ?
> How is it different from mod_rewrite using the QSA flag to add
> values to r->args? (This is a question, not a criticism!)

Full blown Perl regexen ? Possibility to also replace the regex with a 
coderef and get real fancy ? Just off the top of my head.

I'm not lobbying for this module to exist, I don't need it personally. But I 
like small and useful wheels. Plus, I'd prefer to do that kind of rewriting 
closer to the code that uses the params than the light front-end's httpd.conf 

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- CTO
k n o w s c a p e : // venture knowledge agency www.knowscape.com
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, 
and he will sit in a boat & drink beer all day.

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