I don't have the source because the server was pre-installed by Solaris 8,
and PHP is also installed on it.  (I read somewhere that there were
problems when running mod_perl and PHP together in Apache, but I haven't
able to find that info again....  Is this an issue?).

I don't have ultimate control over this server I'm working on, which makes
this more difficult!  I did a full Apache/mod_perl install on our
machine, and of course it works very well!


Thank you for your response!!!

Hi there,

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001, Knox, Laurie A, NPONS wrote:

> I was going to upgrade it to 1.25, but I don't have the Apache src.

Why don't you just get it?

> Someone told me I just need to replace the libexec/libperl.so file

Don't do it.  Grab the latest sources and recompile, lots of bugfixes and
stuff in there.

> I'm working with DBI 1.16, Apache::DBI 0.88, DBD::Oracle 1.06   - would it
> make that much of a difference to have the newer version using these

Don't worry about that (unless you find problems :)


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