On Fri, 6 Jul 2001, Purcell, Scott wrote:

> Hello,
> I am working with mod_perl and apache on NT (No ripping please ... it is a
> political issue here at my work.).
> Anyway, I have been trying to learn more about taking advantage of handlers,
> etc. I purchased the book "Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C", but it
> is NOT NT friendly. Most of the examples DO NOT work on my NT mod_perl.

I'm not sure what you mean by non-NT friendly ... Doug and others
have put a lot of work into porting mod_perl into the Win32
world, with much of the handling of special Win32 quirks
done behind the scenes, and so are transparent to the user (as
the Win32 Apache porters have also accomplished). Bill talks
about some of the fundamental differences with Win32 Apache in
the other reply, and there are some special considerations one
has to take into account with Win32 Perl in general
(see the README.win32 file in the Perl sources), but apart
from these, the examples in the book aren't Unix-centric.
Perhaps if you posted an example that didn't work for you,
together with the basic configuration and the error message it
produces, some people on the list may be able to spot the trouble.

> Anyway, I figure there has to be more resources than just that book. Does
> anyone know of any? I am looking for examples and techniques to get me
> rolling.

http://perl.apache.org/, especially the guide, and http://take32.org/,
have lots of info that applies in general. http://www.activestate.com/
has some basic information on Win32 on Perl. But really, the
book is still a very valuable resource, as you'll find once
you get going ...

best regards,
randy kobes

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