> yes, i have *yet another* templating mechanism for
> mod_perl, and i'd like to add it to CPAN if there are
> no major objections.

I hate to be a naysayer, but this doesn't look sufficiently different from
the other options to merit adding it to CPAN.  The trouble is, there are
already too many of these and it looks an awful lot like Apache::ePerl, or
Text::Template.  At the moment you may think there's a need for it because
it's simpler and smaller, but it will almost certainly grow over time.

If you look at the other modules and still think what you have is truly
different, please elaborate a little on why.  No one here is actually going
to stop you from posting it to CPAN, but I will try to talk you out of it if
there's no clear reason to prefer this over other tools.  I mean, just look
at the train wreck you get back from this:

- Perrin

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