At 01:01 AM 07/08/01 -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
>> The latter gives you the ability to develop custom tag modules to
>> encapsulate complex server-side behaviors and business rules into simple
>> XML-like elements that content developers can use.
>> PSP shares the same basic elements with JSP..."
>Good grief!  This sounds exactly like Apache::ASP with its XMLSubs feature.
>I give up.
>- Perrin

Dear Perrin

Don't give up. What is needed, IMHO, is a clear
framework,/description/phlogeny/geneology of perl templating systems.

Yes, TMTOWTDI is good, and yes, the tendency of open source programmers to
write programs that "scratches their itch" is good, but it is also good to
do so in the context of an appropriate amount of organization. CPAN is a
good example. Lots of modules, ORGANIZED BY CATEGORY. CPAN is incredibly
useful. But I believe CPAN would benefit by one more step of organization:
a czar of each category.

The czar would be see to it that his category has an Overview Document that
includes topics like an overview of the topic (think of using encryption
when you have never studied it), available modules and what they do and
why, when to use which module, links to related materials, etc. He would
also help create a framework or architecture for the module space: map out
a list of modules that would adequately cover the topic, including levels
for major modules of full, middlin, and lite versions. Keep a list of what
needs to be done, so people will improve the existing wheels instead of
inventing new ones. A framework would help categorize the numerous modules
that can accumulate, some major and several minor -- perhaps an "overflow"
bin where tiny modules that don't warrant inclusion in the major module
space can reside. 

Templating systems is an excellent candidate for this.

Just some thoughts.


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