
What I want is access from module to executed-at-the-moment script namespace

the module  Utils.pm :

$"abc.asp"::buffer .= 'hello.';

the script xxx.asp :

use Utils;
use vars qw($buffer);
print $buffer


How can I do this. Currently I'm doing something like this :
the module  Utils.pm :
(export  $buffer)

our $buffered = 1;
our $buffer;
eval qq{ $buffer = '' };

sub _print {
 if ($buffered) { $buffer .= $_ for @_  }
  else  {  print $_ for @_ };

the script :
use Utils;
print $buffer

but this still doen't clear the buffer betwen different invocation of the
tried also  :

eval q{ $buffer = '' };
eval { $buffer = '' };

how can I achieve similar effect .. or I'm doing something wrong

PS. It seems to work only if into the script I'm clearing $Utils::buffer at
the begining of the script, but this is exactly what I don't want to do...
want this to be done from outside... code reuse i say :"). It doesn't matter
too much to me where is the $buffer variable in Utils or in the script
name-space, I just don't want to clear it out manualy every time in the

Thanx alot in advance

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