On Tue, Jul 17, 2001 at 11:08:43AM +0100, Alan Burlison wrote:
> Jens-Uwe Mager wrote:
> > Did you make install modperl yet?
> Yes, via APXS.  mod_perl is installed and works just fine.  I can see the
> missing mod_perl.h file in the modperl build directory, but it doesn't
> appear anywhere under site_perl - should mod_perl copy it somewhere during
> 'make install'?  I'm using a slightly non-standard perl layout, so instead
> of being under /usr/local perl lives under /usr/perl5.  From looking at
> where stuff generally goes, and the -I flags used when building libapreq I
> guess mod_perl.h should be somewhere under
> /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/sun4-solaris-64int/auto/Apache, but it isn't
> there.

In my build (using APACI, though) I find the file under:


But isn't the install of mod_perl nearly the same if built via APACI or
APXS?  APXS just means a different installation of the Apache module
itself, the perl modules for the perl directory are installed the same
using make install.

Jens-Uwe Mager

HELIOS Software GmbH
Steinriede 3
30827 Garbsen

Phone:          +49 5131 709320
FAX:            +49 5131 709325
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