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From: Rodent of Unusual Size <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: ApacheCon Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Apache
Subject: ApacheCon 2001 Europe: CANCELLED

Due to financial considerations beyond our control and unrelated
to past ApacheCon conferences, our conference producer has decided
that they are unable to produce the upcoming ApacheCon Europe 2001
in Dublin.  With only three months left before the conference was
scheduled to begin, The Apache Software Foundation has decided that
it is in the best interests of attendees to cancel the show now
rather than attempt to find another conference organizer for the
Dublin event.

Our current plan is to begin evaluating proposals by conference
organizers for upcoming ApacheCon conferences, both in Europe
and the US.  News of future events will be posted to the
ApacheCon announcements list and on <URL:http://ApacheCon.Com/>
when they become available.
Ken Coar
ApacheCon Chair

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