Ed Loehr wrote:
> > >I'm stumped ...
> > >In a nutshell, my problem is that POSTed form key-value pairs are
> > >intermittently not showing up in the request object inside my handler
> > >subroutine.

As I was puzzling over this, I saw this error message in the logs...

        (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

A google search turned up a note about needing to have "$CGI::NO_DEBUG =
1" before calling CGI::Cookie->parse().  Adding that line of code before
my parse call seems to have fixed the problem.  At a glance, looks like
CGI.pm was strangely set to read from the command-line (default
$CGI::NO_DEBUG = 0), probably triggering a call of Apache's request->args
somewhere along the line.  How the default setting may have changed I
don't know, because I've been using CGI.pm for years without this
problem; I may have upgraded that package, picking up a change

Ed Loehr

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