Recently i transfered over my company's existing websiste from winnt 4
server with iis 4 to redhat 7.0 with apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.24.  The
majority of the site is done in perl and there are perl scripts in almost
every directory. But apache cant seem to run them, my main site page is a
perl file ( and it just gives me an "ok" error saying that there
could be misconfiguration error.  Besides having to go into the perl scrips
themselves and editing them,  is there anything that im missing?Btw... the
perl scripts make references to sub routines located in a .lib file that
placed in to my /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl diretory, but mod_perl still
gives me errors saying that the subroutines are undefined. I have mod_perl
configured this way:

<ifModule mod_perl.c>
<Directory /var/www>
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   PerlSendHeader On
   Options +ExecCGI

Alias /cgi-bin "/var/www/cgi-bin"
<Location /cgi-bin>
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
   PerlSendHeader On
   Options +ExecCGI

<Files *.pl>
   SetHandler perl-script
   PerlHandler Apache::Registry
###   PerlSendHeader On  <--this doesnt work under the Files directive i
   Options +ExecCGI

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