On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Jim Smith wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 07:31:11PM +0800, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > This all sounds cool. I have a few concerns with this proposal:
> >
> > - source documents living under modperl cvs are to be written in POD.
> >   The project that you suggest should be able to accept this and other
> >   formats as a source. Afterwards it can convert it to many other formats.
> >   Matt has already done some work on porting PODs into XML.
> I don't see this as a problem.  I was just picking a format out of the air
> as a starting point.  TMTOWTDI and PCDAA (Perl Can Do Almost Anything).

that's cool.

> > - where the actual converted knowledge base will be hosted? I mean who
> >   will host the production version? It's possible that we can get a
> >   machine at apache.org, but this is one of the things to worry about. If
> >   things need to be dynamically generated, we cannot do this from the same
> >   machine the modperl-site is hosted on (daedalus).
> I can't answer that at the moment.

We can start worrying about that later, once we get something to show. I
hope ASF can support that and may be use this project for other ASF
projects if something really cool and/or useful will be produced.

> > - we need someone to commit to lead the project, or things would never
> >   take off just like it has happened before.
> Well, I can lead the code development, but I can't commit to anything more
> than that at the moment.  I won't be able to do even that until after the
> semester starts (classes start 27 Aug, we have several things to get done
> before then).

Oh, that's absolutely fine. We aren't in hurry at all. We have not many
docs written yet anyway. This is something that we should do in parallel
with the actual docs writing.

> > > Now to see if I can get my boss to support me spending time on such a
> > > project :)
> >
> > I hope he does. Really!
> He was very receptive yesterday evening.  Wants to see a proposal
> (what TAMU would be committing to) before giving the final go ahead.
> We will probably need to involve our helpdesk people in some of the
> user-interface design.  We will need a design document before coding
> so we know what we're aiming at.  I can lead on that.

Fantastic. We can discuss things here. If the discussion becomes to heavy
and getting unrelated to mod_perl list, we can move it elsewhere. e.g.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or if you host the project on sourceforge, we can
use their list.

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker
http://stason.org/       mod_perl Guide  http://perl.apache.org/guide
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