This is the last time I am replying on this topic to the list it has
gone way OT. But I would like to clarify. CPAN doesnt exactly force you
to upgrade everything on the planet but yes some modules depend on
features available in other modules only after a certain version number.
Yes as has been discussed not all CPAN modules are great but that doesnt
mean we shouldnt ever move on to a newer version of anything at all.
Even then you can change your CPAN config and change the follow to ask
and you wont be taken on a upgrade ride. I admire Debian for it's
stability and yes redhat usually tends to be on the edge of everything
but then it is a personal choice and not everything in RedHat is broken
it usually works pretty well as it is. I personally dont like the
attitude most Debian users have and that is Debian is great and
everything else is shit or equivalent to MS Windows ;). I am really
sorry if my email offends anyone but I dont want to start any flames or
distro war right now - lets get back to modperl and be happy with
whatever we are comfortable with as long as it doesnt misguide people
into thinking that others are doing wrong just because they are doing it

End of this thread from my side.


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