I have a Perl scalar ($mystr) that holds a string.  I want to use the
scalar to form a hash reference to a method after the Perl code is compiled.

For example, when I know the method name before compile time, I can say:

use strict;
%Hashref=( Entry1=>{meth1=>\&method1, do=>'something'},);

and then later execute method1 by using:


How can I assign the hash method reference using the contents of the scalar
$mystr, in such a way, that I can use the same syntax to execute the method
name stored in $mystr.

NOTE: I have already used the following, but would prefer to use method
references for both:

            if(ref($Hashref{Entry1}{meth1}) eq 'CODE') {
                $retval   =$Hashref{Entry1}{meth1}($a,$b,$c);
            } else {
                no strict 'refs';
                use strict 'refs';
Thanks in advance.

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