>-----Original Message-----
>From: princepawn
>Sent: 8/26/01 1:29 PM
>Subject: questions on $r->lookup_uri
>1 - Why was no documentation for this method found in the manpage for
>Apache::Request? Where should I have looked for docs on this?

man Apache

>2 - I did manage to find some docs for this in Ch. 4 of the
>Stein/Maceachern book, but am wondering why lookup_uri() goes through
>all phases of request processing up to but not including the content
>handler. It would seem that looking up a URI would only need to go
>through the URI translation phase of the subrequest to lookup a URI. 

what if you don't have permission to access the resource?  subrequests have
a number of uses besides determining 404, such as 403, or



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