Hi Perrin -

> > Odd thing #2:  (This part seems most bizarre to me.)  At 5:15 AM, we run a
> > Perl script that finds and deletes Apache::Session::File session and lock
> > files that are older than 28 days.  Usually there are about 50,000 old
> > files that get deleted out of about 2,300,000 total.  Almost immediately,
> > free memory on the machine jumps back up to 1.3GB.  What's up with that?
> Sounds like you're counting the buffers and cache in your "used" memory.
> Depending on what OS you're on, you may want to look at a tool other than
> top.  The memory used for buffers and cache will be available to
> applications if they need it.

That's exactly it, thanks for the pointer Perrin!  Turns out "free" memory
as reported on Solaris includes the file system cache.  On a busy system
it will always look like there's no almost free memory, when in reality
memory used by the file cache gets released immediately when an
application needs it.  I found some good general info at:

Larry Leszczynski

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