Hi All,

I'm attempting to install AxKit 1.4 (and 10 or so other pre-requisite
modules) on my modperl/modssl server, and I'm trying to get the
ultra-basic AxKit manpage example to work ('perldoc AxKit').  

The first sign of trouble has arisen:  httpd silently exits immediately
after startup once I add the specified AxKit configuration to my Apache
config files, and I have not been able to find any logging whatsoever
yet.  I can see it is successfully loading AxKit.pm, and producing
seemingly all of the normal Apache log startup messages I usually see. 
It's just that when I go to the ps table, it is not there.  Does anyone
have a clue to offer before I recompile with debugging on?

My server's status line is 

  Apache/1.3.20 (Unix) mod_perl/1.25 mod_ssl/2.8.4 OpenSSL/0.9.6b

(it once had AxKit 1.4 in it, but I haven't been able to reproduce
Here's my httpd.conf file:

<IfModule mod_perl.c>
    Include conf/perl.conf

Here's part of conf/perl.conf:

PerlModule AxKit

<Location /ax>
    # Install AxKit main parts
    SetHandler perl-script
    PerlHandler AxKit

    # Setup style type mappings
    AxAddStyleMap text/xsl Apache::AxKit::Language::Sablot
    AxAddStyleMap application/x-xpathscript \

    # Optionally set a hard coded cache directory
    # make sure this is writable by nobody
    AxCacheDir /opt/axkit/cachedir

    # turn on debugging (1 - 10)
    AxDebugLevel 10
    AxStackTrace On
    AxLogDeclines On

If I delete this section of perl.conf, the server starts and runs fine,
albeit without the desired AxKit effect!!

The only thing I have not investigated are a bunch of log messages re
Apache::Status as follows ...

Subroutine menu_item redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/Apache/Status.pm line 46.

and a bunch for mod_perl.pm ...

Subroutine Apache::Table::TIEHASH redefined at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linux/mod_perl.pm line 65535.

Thanks in advance for any clues/pointers.

Ed Loehr

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