On Thu, 6 Sep 2001, Brice D Ruth wrote:

> I'm trying to simply get Apache/mod_perl working in W2K ... I've been
> trying to follow the steps outlined in messages I've found from
> searching through archives, but it seems I'm a bit stuck.  My experience
> w/ Apache has always been in Linux or *BSD, so I'm somewhat lost when it
> comes to getting this going in W2k.
> I have Apache 1.3.20 installed - the httpd.conf is vanilla - I can
> access my server by going to http://localhost/ - so all is good there.
> I downloaded ActivePerl 629 (?) and it installed fine ... c:\perl\bin is
> in my path and seems to work fine.  I ran PPM and had it install
> mod_perl from theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca - everything seemed to run fine and
> in the end it asked me where to put mod_perl.so - the path I gave was
> c:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/modules - I later looked here and I
> could see mod_perl.
> I then added the following line to my httpd.conf:
> LoadModule perl_module modules/mod_perl.so
> and left everything else as it was.  I now get the following when I try
> to start Apache:
> The Apache service is starting.
> Failed to start the Apache service.
> Note the errors or messages above, and press the <ESC> key to exit.
> (countdown)...
> I don't see any error messages that do me any good, config test returns
> Syntax OK and the error log shows nothing.
> What do I need to do?

   Although it appears that you've done this OK, the two most
common causes of this error message is that Perl is not in
your PATH environment variable when starting Apache, and that
you've got a mismatch between mod_perl/Apache versions
(http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/ppmpackages/mod_perl.ppd corresponds
to apache_1.3.20). Are these two things OK for you?
   Another couple of things to check - can you load other
Apache modules? And can you run ordinary cgi Perl cgi scripts
(not under mod_perl)?
   Although it may be OK now, some time ago I had problems using
mod_perl when there were spaces in the Apache directory tree names.
If the above don't work, perhaps try reinstalling Apache to
something like C:\Apache (you shouldn't have to reinstall mod_perl -
just move mod_perl.so to the new \Apache\modules directory).

best regards,
randy kobes

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