Mark Maunder wrote on Mon, Sep 24 2001 (15:44:25 +0100):
> Any clues as to your motivation for porting to mod_perl? I've been trying to
> sell a mod_perl solution to some Java nuts for some time and any help would be
> much appreciated. What really makes mod_perl better than Java? Are there any
> performance benchmarks out there that anyone knows about? Scaleability? JDBC vs.
> DBI? Child/Servlet memory footprint size?

performance is not the crucial point here, IMHO.
it's like young boys arguing about car brands,
"my daddy's car is faster than your daddy's car!"

it depends on the people who will write/maintain the code
and their skills with the particular technology, be
it mod_perl, servlets, ruby, python, whatever.

basically, someone with comparable proficiency
in each of the mentioned technologies will be
able to produce a working solution with comparable
performance. all of the above technologies have been
deployed in large-scale projects, and they can
be tuned, so that "performance" questions should
not be emphasized more than necessary.

if your data model is clean and your algorithms
are smart, then the implementation language is just
a question of convenience, IMHO. you should concentrate
on this fact rather than bragging about "product features".

> If someone says to you, why didn't you do it in Java?
> What do you say? (Besides
> mentioning Sun's lame license.)

because i think that mod_perl gives me all the
flexibility i need, and it's supported by legions
of competent developers. i saw lots of companies
offering "premium commercial support" for their
products, but almost none of them can maintain the
level of support offered by the perl community.

in my opinion, there are lots of (mediocre) Java programmers
out there, far more than competent mod_perl programmers.
it's easier for companies to recruit Java people,
and Java has better marketing, impressing suits who pay
for your projects.

Toni Andjelkovic

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