I finally convinced some of my colleagues
to look at AxKit as a replacement for Cocoon.
But when we try to go to the website, it
times out. An nslookup of 'www.axkit.com'
and 'www.axkit.org' and 'axkit.org', etc,
result in 'can't find www.axkit.com: 
Non-existent host/domain'. The same used to
be true of take23.org, but it showed up again
recently...  All of this happened shortly
after Sept. 11....

I have searched websites and mail lists for
any news about the axkit site (and for that matter
sergeant.org), but I have only turned up one post
about the site being down, and it suggested that it was
being transferred to apache.org.

Does anyone have factual information about the
AxKit website?

Thank you!

Mike Hitchcock

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