I work in a predominately M$ shop. AS a matter of fact, I am one of only two
Perl/mod_perl programmers in a development department with 25 other
programmers. Sometimes it feels like we are working in a vacuum. This list
and articles like the eToys article along with the overwhelmingly superior
performance of mod_perl/Apache vs. either M$ IIS/ASP or M$ IIS/ColdFusion
are what make, at least for me, doing what I do for a living where I do it
possible. If it weren't for our success with mod_perl/Apache I really
believe that this project would have been converted to ColdFusion a long
time ago. Anecdotal evidence like the eToys article only add to the growing
body of evidence that what we do with mod_perl is really the best of the
available alternatives. 

Not only doe Perrin deserve a pat on the back for his article, but everyone
who promotes the use of these technologies should feel good about what

--Joe Breeden
If it compiles - Ship It!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Drew Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 8:59 AM
> To: Perrin Harkins; mod_perl List
> Cc: Template Toolkit List
> Subject: Re: [Templates] Re: Excellent article on Apache/mod_perl at
> eToys
> What I found most interesting was the detail of the extensive 
> caching which 
> was implemented to survive the seasonal rush. I look forward 
> to working on 
> a project one day that is big enough to warrant such a 
> system. All in all, 
> a most excellent and informative read.
> Thanks again for everything you've personally done for the 
> community! I 
> look forward to seeing those graphics. :-)
> At 09:49 AM 10/19/01 -0400, Perrin Harkins wrote:
> >Thanks to all for the kind words.  This article actually 
> went up a little
> >bit before it was supposed to, and there should be a 
> revision going up soon
> >with some grammatical fixes and a set of graphics to 
> illustrate parts of it.
> >I'll post a follow-up when that happens in case anyone wants 
> to go and look
> >at the pretty pictures.
> >
> >While we're on the subject, thanks to everyone who 
> contributed to the many
> >open source projects that we used.  We couldn't have done it 
> without you.
> Drew Taylor                     JA[P|m_p|SQL]H
> http://www.drewtaylor.com/      Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      *** God bless America! ***
> ICQ: 135298242

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