At 10:11 AM 10/23/01 -0600, Nathan Torkington wrote:
>Leon Brocard writes:
> > > Perhaps a port of JMS is in order.
> >
> > Interestingly, I've been thinking along the same lines. Spread
> > ( can be used for the publish/subscribe
> > messaging domain but queueing seems to be important too. Straying a
> > bit offtopic perhaps, but I wonder what would be involved...
>I like the idea of P2EE.  If the goal is to provide the same features
>as Java, why not just implement the Java messaging, transactions,
>etc. APIs in Perl?  That is, endeavour to have the same classes and
>methods as Java, to the greatest extent possible.  That'll also make
>it possible for Java programmers to become Perl programmers, bwahaha.

The servlet API has been mostly(?) translated into perl by Brian Moseley. 
The homepage is and it's available on 
CPAN. The docs look a little parse at the moment, but kudos to Brian for 
the work done so far! Now if only I could figure out a good test 
application to try it with...

Drew Taylor                     JA[P|m_p|SQL]H      Just Another Perl|mod_perl|SQL Hacker
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]      *** God bless America! ***
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