Hi there,

I'm very new with Perl; but i have found that there is a module that
allows my apache webserver
to authenticate users against a Windows DOMAIN.

This is Apache::AuthenSmb (But you probably already knew that :)

I followed the instructions to install modperl and I used CPAN to

This all seems to have worked perfectly.

Although now when I followed the instructions on this website:


to create a sample .htaccess file, I get this error in my apache

[Tue Oct 23 19:37:22 2001] [error] Can't locate object method
"get_basic_auth_pw" via package "Apache" (perhaps you forg
ot to load "Apache"?) at
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Apache/AuthenSmb.pm line 12.

Does anyone have an idea about what I'm doing wrong here?


Jeroen Geusebroek

P.S. Please CC in your reply, i'm not currently a list member.

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