On Thu, 1 Nov 2001 10:27:05 -0000 
Matt Sergeant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > > (foo => qw(a b c)) doesn't do what it looks like it does, 
> > and that's a bad
> > > thing.
> > 
> > I know! but CGI.pm does it, so what I want is interface
> > consistency. CGI.pm also has a named parameter style which
> > Apache::Request doesn't support, like
> > 
> >   $q->param(-name => 'foo', -value => [ qw(a b c) ]);
> >   print join '/', $q->param('foo');  # a/b/c
> Well, as a libapreq developer, I'd say -1 to the above. 

Oh, I don't mean "Apache::Request should implement named parameter
style", off course :)

> I'm not that worried
> about consistency - it's not like they advertise as being the same (the
> wording in the README is "lighter and faster alternative"). 

I do worry it, cuz I'm currently working on lightweight framework
(like Apache::Dispatch or something) which works both on mod_perl
or CGI environment. 

This framework instanciates parameter object as CGI.pm instance in
CGI env, and as Apache::Request instance in mod_perl env.

Well, seems like what I should do is to make a simple request
class which wrapps around this inconsistency of param method. 

> For me the CGI.pm API isn't clean (sorry Lincoln :-)


Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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