On Fri, 9 Nov 2001, Philip Mak wrote:

> On port 80, I'm running a non-mod_perl httpd.
> On port 8001, I'm running a mod_perl httpd.
> Port 80 is ProxyPassing to port 8001 like this:
> RewriteRule ^/(.+)\.asp$$1.asp [p]
> The httpds have different DocumentRoots however, so if I visit
> http://mysite.com/ it will return a directory index rather than calling
> the index.asp file.
> My current solution is to "touch index.asp" in the port 80 DocumentRoot
> and have "DirectoryIndex index.asp" so that it knows to ProxyPass those
> requests. I'd have to "touch index.asp" manually for every directory,
> though. Is there a better way around this?

Why do you use RewriteRule instead of ProxyPass ?

ProxyPass    /

Or do you have static files that you don't want to pass to mod_perl ?

You can try with my mod_accel:
It's replacement of mod_proxy. Documentation in Russian only.
But you configuration is simple and can be following:

AccelCacheRoot  cache
AccelNoCache    on
AccelPass       /
AccelNoPass     ~*\.jpg$   ~*\.gif$

It's Unix only. It can probably run on Win32 under CygWin -
but I didn't try it.

Igor Sysoev

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