
sorry, this is not exactly a mod_perl question but I hope somehow in the
wake of this issue.

Apache::Session::Store::Postgres problem:
After the initial login to my page, I define and tie a  %session which
produces a _session_id that is totally different from what it stores in the
sessions-table. So the next time my page is started (given the _session_id
as a parameter) I get the error-message
"Apache/Session/Store/Postgres.pm: Object does not exist in the data store"

Does anybody know what might cause this strange behavior? I will add the
code I consider important. If you don't have any idea (or the time to think
about it) I would be grateful for some lines of code that show how you use

Thanks for your help, Chris

use Apache::Session::Postgres;
use Apache::Session::Store::Postgres;

sub session
my %session;
tie %session, 'Apache::Session::Postgres', undef, {DataSource =>
"dbi:Pg:$dbrz_name", UserName =>$dbrz_ben, Password => $dbrz_pw, Commit =>
1} || return ("f", "Es kann im Moment keine neue Sizung angelegt werden.",
$session{"bildrec"} = [$_[1]];
$session{"rz_benutzername"} = $_[2];
 return ("s", "", \%session);

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