Hello again modperlers,

I am using perl 5.6.1 / Apache 1.3.20 / mod_perl 1.26.

I have an interesting problem which maybe someone could shed some light on :

I have an early phase handler (can be done as either a PerlPostReadRequestHandler or a 
PerlTransHandler) which manipulates the request URI.  The purpose of the handler is to 
strip out the first segment of the URI path and employ that as a "user type" string.  
I presently have it as a TransHandler which returns DECLINED, expecting Apache to 
continue URI translation based on the new URI setting.  For almost all types of URIs 
this functionality is working: it works for files in the DocumentRoot, it works for 
PerlHandlers declared in <Location> blocks, and it works for Alias mapped paths. Only 
one thing breaks...

The one URI type which isn't resolved correctly is DirectoryIndex-resolved paths.  If 
mod_autoindex is on, then an AutoIndex directory listing is displayed.  If 
mod_autoindex is off, a "NOT FOUND" error is displayed.  If I access the same 
directory without the URI manipulation (and without the extra "user type" segment), 
the DirectoryIndex-specified file is served as expected.

I thought to myself, maybe the mod_dir resolution wants to be before any declared 
PerlTransHandler (even though mod_autoindex comes after) so I tried moving my handler 
to a PostReadRequestHandler.  Same effect though -- something is short-circuiting the 
DirectoryIndex function of mod_dir.

Anyone else encounter this?  Any ideas how to resolve?

David Pisoni -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance."
-Will Durant, historian (1885-1981)

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