One run of my script takes about 2 seconds. This includes a lot of
database-queries, calculations and so on.  about 0.3 seconds are used
just for one command: $query=new CGI;

I tried to cache the retrieved object between several requests by
storing to a persistent variable to avoid this long time, but it is
not cacheable. (in the meaning of : operations on a cached CGI-object
will just produce nothing)

This is not a problem of my persistent variables, cause this works
with many other objects like db-handles (cant use Apache::DBI cause
this keeps to many handles opened, so I need to cache and pool on my
own), filehandles etc.

any idea ?


mag. peter pilsl

phone: +43 676 3574035
fax  : +43 676 3546512

pgp-key available

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