Hi there,

On Wed, 14 Nov 2001, [iso-8859-1] Jonathan E. Paton wrote:

> I am trying to create a website [snip]
> NB - Whilst my preferred answer to these questions is a
> coded solution, [snip]

We like people to think for themselves on this list. :)

> I'm sure I've missed a few questions...

Read http://perl.apache.org/guide and "Writing Apache Modules with
Perl and C", ISBN 1-56592-567-X (otherwise known as the "Eagle Book")
which will answer almost all the questions you can think of, and a
great many that you can't (yet).  Some of your questions have no answer.

Please don't ask questions that are answered in these publications on
this list, people here have a habit of directing you to them for
guidance.  This implies a lot of patience on your part, because they
are fairly lengthy and concentrated technical works, and not much
patience on our part (for whatever reasons :).  Despite the quip about
thinking people above, there are lots of coded solutions in these
books which you can adapt or otherwise mangle.  TMTOWTDI y'know.


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