instead of redirecting stdout to /dev/null, how about
redirecting it to a temporary buffer? that way you can
calculate the size of the output and set the content length
on the response.

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:

> Hi guys,
>   As promised I have been producing a fix for Apache::Registry. The
>   module is called "MKDoc::Registry" because it will be integrated in
>   the piece of software I'm working on, but feel free to do whatever you
>   want with it.
>   A slight litte issue is that I really don't understand why this module
>   is working at all (read the code), but it's just working fine... could
>   you please test it and tell me what's going on?
>   PS: On my system the file is located here:
>       /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/MKDoc/
> Cheers,

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