On Tuesday 09 October 2001 06:08 am, you wrote:
> Jason Boxman wrote:
> > Hey all!
> >
> Jason,
> Since you've already tried to look at the code and play with it, it's
> not a VMonitor's issue, but the Scoreboard's one. I'm running all the
> latest -dev versions of modperl/apache and it works for me.

Yeah, it didn't look like a VMonitor problem.

> > (loading /scoreboard returns three spaces to my browser and nothing
> > else.)
> cauze, it returns a *binary* image. Try to grab it instead. On my setup
> it's about 538 bytes long (depends on how many children are running and
> other info, but should be definitely 100+ bytes). Try:
>  % lynx --dump http://localhost/status/scoreboard > the_score

Here where it gets weird.  I got a single line of white space, that's it.

jasonb@nebula:~$ lynx --dump http://localhost/scoreboard > the_score
-rw-r--r--    1 jasonb   jasonb          8 Oct  9 14:59 the_score

Not quite sure how I could have screwed up installing Scoreboard.

I ran

perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME
make install

No errors at all.

My httpd.conf is setup for Scoreboard as shown in my original email.

Did I mess that up?  Is everyone else's different?


(Basically from the POD docs.)

 <Location /scoreboard>
  SetHandler perl-script
  PerlHandler Apache::Scoreboard::send
  order deny,allow
  deny from all
  #same config you have for mod_status
  allow from
  allow from


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