* Michael ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [011016 15:37]:
> Are any of the packages mentioned particularly suited to client
> content management packages where the client can manage some limeted
> page content text/graphics but not really mess with the overall page
> layout and site content. I'm about to start researching this but
> would like input from the "experts".

OpenInteract (http://www.openinteract.org/) has page-editing (and
template-editing) capabilities from the browser. Currently you need to
keep all the content in the database to make this work, but I'm
working on being able to edit content in the filesystem as well.

I wouldn't call it a content-management system really, but users find
it pretty useful to see a typo, click on 'Edit this Document', make
the change and see it instantly.


Chris Winters ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Building enterprise-capable snack solutions since 1988.

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