You want to start from this doc:

Per Einar wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I'm working on a mod_perl application called OpenTMS 
> (<>). It uses a set of modules 
> in the OpenTMS namespace for general functions, and the rest is handled 
> by Apache::Registry scripts. I might also add some Apache Perl handlers 
> in the future. Right now I'm wondering about the installation routines I 
> should adopt.
> Right now, the directory structure is like this:
> lib/
>         OpenTMS/
>                 rest of the modules
> scripts/
>         Apache::Registry scripts
> docs/
>         Documentation

since at the end Makefile.PL will install things elsewhere, it doesn't 
matter much. Just look at a few major CPAN distros and copy from them 
what you like. usually it goes as lib/bin/docs/(eg|example)/

> I tried searching for the right way to run a Makefile.PL/make/make 
> test/install installation, but I couldn't find anything. I would like to 
> get the modules installed into @INC somewhere, and the scripts into a 
> directory which is handled by mod_perl. Is there any standard way of 
> doing this? I couldn't find it documented anywhere, and think that it 
> would be a good addition to the docs. 

again look at the existing modules. You can ask from Makefile.PL where a 
user wants to install the scripts, e.g. Apache::mod_perl guide does a 
similar thing,  but not exactly that.

> Also, should reside in 
> lib/OpenTMS/, and the OpenTMS::* in lib/OpenTMS/OpenTMS/ or can they 
> stay like they are now?

Usually it's:

> I have some other questions too:
> testing: I guess that this might be complicated, but I know it's being 
> done. Any pointers?

If you must test under running Apache/mod_perl. Use the new shiny 
Apache::Test framework, which is working for both mod_perl 1.x and 2.x 
and even used to test http-2.0 and 3rd party c/php/else modules. It's 
not released yet, but very stable.  The instructions to get the cvs 
version are here:

You can find some documentation here:

If you have futher questions regarding Apache::Test, subscribe to 

> configuration: How should I document/automate how the Apache server 
> should be configured?

In the pod part of one of the relevant module. I don't think this 
should/could be automated.

> Other automation on Makefile.PL: Do you have any pointers to tutorials 
> in customizing Makefile.PL? For example, would it be feasible to have it 
> ask for a database name/username/password and install the databases 
> automatically?

Makefile.PL is just a perl script which writes Makefile, you can do 
anything you want. Read ExtUtils::MakeMaker, but the best way to learn 
is a per-usal of existing CPAN module's MakeMake.PL files.

You can learn a lot from mod_perl's Makefile, but I won't suggest you 
looking at it when you just start. Go there when you think you know 
everything about Makefile.PL. :)

> Registering the namespace: is there any point in registering the 
> namespace for such an application?

If it's a modperl specific app, discuss it here in a separate email.

> Bundle:: : How would I have to specify in a bundle package that mod_perl 
> must be installed.

again, download any Bundle and learn from it or read the Bundles section 
in the's manpage.

> I think it would be good for mod_perl to have some documentation 
> concerning the packaging of complete applications, instead of just 
> Apache:: modules. If I have the time, I might write an addition to the 
> guide/a separate document based on what I find out here.

This seems to be a very generic Perl issue, like most of the questions 
in this email. I don't see why anything should be special under 
mod_perl, regarding the packaging and stuff. Apache::Test is probably 
the only issue that has a lot to do with mod_perl :)

Hope this helps.
Stas Bekman             JAm_pH      --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker      mod_perl Guide

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