Darren, Thanks for the quick response.

> Lance Uyehara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on
> > I'm using a CGI script which makes a call to raw_cookie(). When
> > I run in CGI mode everything works fine, and the cookie which
> > matches $ENV{HTTP_COOKIE} is returned.
> What version of CGI.pm are you using?

Versions I'm using:

CGI.pm:    2.74
Apache:    1.3.22
mod_perl: 1.26

> CGI.pm goes to great
> lengths to be compatible with mod_perl, so I think you either
> have an old version of CGI.pm, or are reusing a CGI instance
> between requests.  $self shouldn't be defined if you are creating
> the instance anew with each request.

Yes, I think something like this is happening to me too.

I think (but haven't done enough debug to confirm this) part of the problem
is the cgi uses a non object oriented function call so $self needs to be
invented using the function CGI::self_or_cgi(). I think $DefaultClass is
being used, and somehow when the cgi is complete it is not being

I'm stumped for the moment, but am still trying to debug to figure out what
is going on.


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