Since nobody obected to Apache::CacheContent I've uploaded it to CPAN.
The current version, 0.12, has a few small bug fixes, POD updates and
a new ToDo list.  (This version does not yet have the filename hash
generator code)  The complete README is reproduced below.

You can download the code from CPAN or from the Cookbook site at


    Apache::CacheContent - PerlFixupHandler class that caches dynamic

    * Make your method handler a subclass of Apache::CacheContent
    * allow your web server process to write into portions of your document
    * Add a ttl() subroutine (optional)
    * Add directives to your httpd.conf that are similar to these:
      PerlModule MyHandler

      # dynamic url
      <Location /dynamic>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler MyHandler->handler

      # cached URL
      <Location /cached>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlFixupHandler MyHandler->disk_cache
        PerlSetVar CacheTTL 120   # in minutes...

    Note:          This code is derived from the *Cookbook::CacheContent*
                   module, available as part of "The mod_perl Developer's

    The Apache::CacheContent module implements a PerlFixupHandler that helps
    you to write handlers that can automatically cache generated web pages
    to disk. This is a definite performance win for sites that end up
    generating the exact same content for many users.

    The module is written to use Apache's built-in file handling routines to
    efficiently serve data to clients. This means that your code will not
    need to worry about HTTP/1.X, byte ranges, if-modified-since, HEAD
    requests, etc. It works by writing files into your DocumentRoot, so be
    sure that your web server process can write there.

    To use this you MUST use mod_perl method handlers. This means that your
    version of mod_perl must support method handlers (the argument
    EVERYTHING=1 to the mod_perl build will do this). Next you'll need to
    have a content-generating mod_perl handler. If isn't a method handler
    modify the *handler* subroutine to read:

      sub handler ($$) {
        my ($class, $r) = @_;

    Next, make your handler a subclass of *Apache::CacheContent* by adding
    an ISA entry:

      @MyHandler::ISA = qw(Apache::CacheContent);

    You may need to modify your handler code to only look at the *uri* of
    the request. Remember, the cached content is independent of any query
    string or form elements.

    After this is done, you can activate your handler. To use your handler
    in a fully dyamic way configure it as a PerlHandler in your httpd.conf,
    like this:

      PerlModule MyHandler
      <Location /dynamic>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler MyHandler->handler

    So requests to *http://localhost/dynamic/foo.html* will call your
    handler method directly. This is great for debugging and testing the
    module. To activate the caching mechanism configure httpd.conf as

      PerlModule MyHandler
      <Location /cached>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlFixupHandler MyHandler->disk_cache
        PerlSetVar CacheTTL 120  # in minutes..

    Now when you access URLs like *http://localhost/cached/foo.html* the
    content will be generated and stored in the file
    *DocumentRoot*/cached/foo.html. Subsequent request for the same URL will
    return the cached content, depending on the *CacheTTL* setting.

    For further customization you can write your own *ttl* function that can
    dynamically change the caching time based on the current request.

    Paul Lindner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Geoffrey Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Randy Kobes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

    Copyright (c) 2001, Paul Lindner, Geoffrey Young, Randy Kobes.

    All rights reserved.

    This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or
    modified under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The example mod_perl method handler `CacheWeather'.

    The mod_perl Developer's Cookbook

    This code is derived from the *Cookbook::CacheContent* module, available
    as part of "The mod_perl Developer's Cookbook".

    For more information, visit

Paul Lindner   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    ||||| | | | |  |  |  |   |   |

    mod_perl Developer's Cookbook
         Human Rights Declaration

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