Joe Schaefer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something to this effect on 12/13/2001:
> Is this what you want
>   $apr = Apache::Request->new( $r->is_main ? $r : $r->main, 
>                                POST_MAX => 1024);
> ?  I don't think Apache::Request provides any Perl methods for
> culling the post_max setting from a $apr;  you'd either have to
> write some XS for that, keep track of it yourself, or lobby for
> a new feature ;)

Or you can patch libapreq-0.33/Request/Request.xs:

*** Request.xs.orig     Thu Dec 13 11:44:25 2001
--- Request.xs  Thu Dec 13 11:36:06 2001
*** 356,361 ****
--- 356,375 ----
      Apache::Request req
+ ApacheRequest_post_max(req, max=Nullsv)
+     Apache::Request req
+     SV *max;
+     CODE:
+     if (max != Nullsv) {
+       req->post_max = (int)SvIV(max);
+     }
+     RETVAL = req->post_max;
+     OUTPUT:
+     RETVAL
+ int
      Apache::Request req

This will add $apr->post_max, which works in my (simplistic and
deterministic) tests.


If I worked as much as others I would do as little as they.

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