"... years ago ..."   Are you even sure he evaluated mod_perl and not Perl CGI
scripts?? Launching the interpreter and compiling every time might spike the
CPU.  Like others have said, you would really have to benchmark the mod_perl and
Apache that you're using now; both have improved considerably over the years.
You can point to the success stories others have mentioned to show that it
really is one of the standard industry solutions that works well in many
high-traffic situations. He's clearly arguing from outdated data and emotion.

Also, if you delivered what you said you would deliver, that ought to be the end
of it. If the site is performing according to expectations and promises, then he
doesn't have any real basis to complain. If it would truly deliver tangible
advantages to the client to rewrite it in C, or incorporate some of his C code
in your work (Perl and C can get along sometimes), then you might consider
giving him a quote to rewrite it. Ask him to put up or shut up. A gentler
approach might be, "Given we did what we did (and it works), what do you really
want us to do now? What should happen from this point forward?" If there isn't a
constructive answer to that, then all you're dealing with is a temper tantrum.

---Wes Sheldahl
( father of four young'uns )

Jeff Yoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/14/2001 03:58:51 PM

To:   Thomas Eibner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (bcc: Wesley
Subject:  Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules


So he's upset.  Everyone acknowledges that given our particular
circumstances, it would have been better to build upon what we already had,
but because of his previous experience he feels that mod_perl wasn't even a
responsible choice even within the limits of our lack of knowledge of his
software and its availability.



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