
         I wasn't sure what volume of response to expect when I originally 
wrote.  Thank you all for the comments that you all are making.  They are 
helping.  Given that the response is fairly high, I'm waiting for stuff to 
roll in rather than replying to each of you.  Don't think it is falling on 
unappreciating ears.  :-)
         To respond to a few recurring comments / questions:

Me?  I've spent most of the last four years working on mod_perl-based stuff 
and most of the last eight working with Perl.  Actually I've worked with 
folks who were involved with some of the projects you've mentioned, having 
been at idealab!, a parent of eToys and CitySearch.  One of the original 
(THE original?) developer at CitySearch was probably the most helpful 
mentor / teacher I've ever worked with.  I programmed in C a lot early in 
my career, but at this point I couldn't write anything substantial without 
brushing up, and frankly wouldn't care to.  It just isn't as fun to work 
with C.  But then, the argument, "But if you used C, you wouldn't get to 
work with ME!" may not convince some of these people with their values all 
screwed up...  ;-)

The project?  What I consider to be standard web junk.  About 30% ecommerce 
combined with lots of database-driven, interactive content, some 
authentication foo and things like that.  The thing is that it is in the 
adult industry and the investor in question turns on the hose... well... 
there will be lots of traffic.

Mistakes and misunderstandings?  Sure.  And yes, as some of you have 
pointed out publicly or privately, not my fault.  I was kept very insulated 
from the people who were familiar with the alternatives.  My involvement at 
this point is to try to smooth things over and keep the project 
functional.  These immediate problems aside, the people involved are great 
to work with and if everyone feels better about the situation and things 
move forward in the best possible way from here, there will be a lot of 
valuable work for me.  So I'm trying to help.

More than you cared to hear about and terribly off-topic for the 
list?  Sure.  But you did sorta ask, and somehow it seemed rude to not 
reply.  Forgive me and thanks for providing all of your commentary.


Jeff Yoak   626-705-6996

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