> 1. Regarding the switch to postgresql, I think that's a good choice. Just pay
> attention to postgresql's data types, and try to get your fields types and
> lengths correct the first time if possible. It doesn't completely support the
> ALTER TABLE command, so changing column types can be a pain, although it's still
> possible. The other thing is that SQL syntax might be slightly different in a
> few cases, though it's been too long since I used MySQL to remember any
> examples. Postgresql's web site has some tips for switching, I think at
> http://techdocs.postgresql.org.

something i'll add to that - if your new postgresql db will have foreign 
keys, and you previously didn't have any code written to guarantee your 
data's integrity in mysql, then you probably won't be able to import all 
your data without some massaging (unless you're sure your data's 
integrity is ok).  i wholeheartedly second wes' statement that switching 
to postgresql is a good choice.

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