Hello again,

Thanks for all the good replies on the template issue. I had forgotten
how much of a powder-keg that subject was... lucky nobody lit a match

Anyways, I've re-written one of my modules using TT to try it out, but
I am less than satisfied with the performance... To the point where I
think I may have missed an important step. Here's the details:

The template I'm testing uses about 10
        [% IF variable %]Do something with $variable[% END %]
type of blocks. Nothing horribly complex.

With my previous template system, with the same logic, I could serve
on the order of 50 requests per second on the same system. Doing a
straight conversion, I'm seeing only 7.5 requests per second under TT
for the same content. Ugh! Help!

Here's a snipped of what I've done:

        use Template;

        my %vars;

        $var{foo} = "bar";   # About 30 scalars like this

        my $tt = new Template({INTERPOLATE => 1});
        $tt->process($file, \%vars);

Everything displays fine, and no errors/warnings show up... It's just
horribly slow. At ~150ms per request, the delay is noticeable on our
local LAN.

Without delving deeper than I already have into the documentation, I
suspect that the template files are not being cached, resulting in a
disk hit on every request. Not good! There must be a way around this.

Any thoughts?

- Ryan

  Ryan Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Network Administrator, Accounts

  SaskNow Technologies - http://www.sasknow.com
  #106-380 3120 8th St E - Saskatoon, SK - S7H 0W2

        Tel: 306-664-3600   Fax: 306-664-1161   Saskatoon
  Toll-Free: 877-727-5669     (877-SASKNOW)     North America

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