Gunther Birznieks writes:
>  From the description of your scenario, it sounds like you have a long 
> product life cycle etc.

We release weekly.  We release to test multiple times a day.  We "code
freeze" the test system over the weekend.

We run all weekly jobs on test during the day on Sat, and then release
to production Sat Night.  The job testing change was introduced
recently.  On production, we have a large job which runs on Tues.  It
also ran on Tues on test.  We changed something later in the week one
release which broke the job, but it wasn't tested.  Now, we get that
extra assurance of having the weeklies run just before the release.

Having an efficient release mechanism is critical.  Also, we get paged
when something goes wrong on production.  With Perl, we can and do
patch individual files midweek in critical emergencies.  For example,
our ec code broke soon after our site went to a pure subscription
model.  It was fun, because it broke from too many paying
customers. $-)   Needless to say, we patched the system asap!

> I think your testing, especially regression testing and the amount of 
> effort you put into it makes a lot of sense because your software is a 
> long-term investment possibly even a product.

Yes, that's an important point.  We run the accounting for over 8,000
investment clubs.  We have a responsibility to make sure the software
is reliable.  We released our Petshop demo without any tests. :)
> To each his own I guess.



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