Hi there,

On Sat, 2 Feb 2002, unknown wrote:

> I was on this website, which i believe is yours. How can i make the
> same thing on my apache (win32) 1.3.22
> http://www.xorgate.com/Apache/OpenIndex/demo/

I'm not sure I understand the question.

If you want a demonstration of Apache running on your computer then
there are lots of ways to go about it.

If you want to copy and use or publish a Web site you should perhaps
start by ascertaining if doing that would
(a) not infringe any copyright
(b) not offend anyone and
(c) not be outside the capabilities of your hardware, assuming that
(d) it would be of some use to you when it's done.

If you want to use a particular feature or module then you first need
to understand how the Web works (with particular reference to the DNS,
HTTP and HTML), how web servers and browsers fit into that, how to
build and install Apache and how to configure it, how to populate its
data structures and how to generate suitable data.  When you have done
all that you can start Apache.  Some of it might sound a bit heavy and
even though I have excluded mod_perl itself from that little lot there
is I'm afraid still far too much to get under your belt at one sitting.
If you have any other life at all, budget a few months from a standing
start to get a reasonable grasp of it.

> what exactly do i need to type in httpd.conf ? the explanation on
> the website is too cofusing, please help me out.  If it is possible
> i would like to get the exact code to insert into httpd.conf

It doesn't work that way (and people here on the mod_perl list like
you to think for yourself a little:).  This list is specifically about
mod_perl issues.  It may be that you need a mod_perl Apache to be able
to do what you want to do and it may not. I'm not clear about that.
If you have not yet successfully installed an Apache of any sort then
I think you should do that first.

There is an excellent book called "Professional Apache" ISBN-1-86100-302-1
available in many good book stores (including mine:) which will lead you
through the Apache installation and configuration processes.

If you find you do need a mod_perl Apache come back here, after you
have read a few good books on Perl, plus the Guide (I think maybe two
or three times:).


and the Eagle book

"Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C", ISBN 1-56592-567-X

you will then be better placed to ask a question which someone here can answer.


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