On 4 Feb 2002, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

> And if the Slashcode were as easy to install and customise as
> phpnuke...

For OSCON (and hopefully YAPC too), I've submitted a talk on using
Module::Build (an ExtUtils::MakeMaker replacement) for modules and using
it to build an application installer.

Its not _that_ hard, and using Module::Build makes it a lot easier.  When
Matt Sergeant and I were working on (formerly) O'Reilly's WebBoard for
Unix, we built an interactive command-line installer that could do the

- Install Apache and mod_perl, or use an existing installation.

- Install all the needed modules, template files, images, etc.

- Set up a new database in your RDBMS of choice (MySQL, Postgres, Sybase,
or Oracle) though the Sybase and Oracle choices weren't 100% automated
(they are just too complex).

Nowadays, I'd use Alzabo, which can also intelligently handle upgrading
old versions of a schema (its not quite 100% perfect but its pretty

- Insert various default values into your DB, if they weren't already

At this point, you simply (re-)started your Apache w/mod_perl and you were
ready to go.  You had an admin account you logged in with and could start
creating boards and such.

It was a lot of work but its not _that_ hard.  Perl definitely needs more
"out of tarball/box/whatever" install-able apps and I'd like to help
people get there.  Alzabo is pretty close, though it still requires you to
hand-modify your httpd.conf.

I'm not sure how on-topic this is anymore, though I don't think creating a
separate list would exactly help at this point.


we await the New Sun

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