On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Chuck Goehring wrote:

> Is there anyone out there working on a mod_perl "version" for Tomcat?
> We currently have Apache running for mod_perl and Tomcat running for a
> purchased servlet library.  I primarily user mod_perl as a "speedup" for
> cgi programs.  I need ssl capabilities and have had problems trying to
> get it working.  Tomcat has an option for ssl from sun that may not have
> the issues on our platform.

Why would you need mod_perl with Tomcat?  You can use Tomcat with Apache
using mod_jk, and get the best of both worlds.

-- Brett
What's the matter with the world?  Why, there ain't but one thing wrong
with every one of us -- and that's "selfishness."
                -- The Best of Will Rogers

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