Hi Lynne,

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Ng, Lynne (Exchange) wrote:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -I
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/Sybase:/usr/local/lib/perl
> 5/site_perl/5.005/sun4-solaris/auto/Sybase
> use Sybase::CTlib;
> @INC = @lib::ORIG_INC; **
> print "Hello world";

** Assuming that "@INC = @lib::ORIG_INC;" will add the path for Sybase to
your @INC, you've got the order wrong.  You should:

        @INC=... and then
        use Sybase::CTlib;

> It showed this error:
> Can't locate Sybase/CTlib.pm in @INC
Thus, your script was unable to find CTlib.pm.


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